Skender Luarasi



Kërkim Shkencor


Skender Luarasi është arkitekt, pedagog dhe shkrimtar. Doktoratura e tij, e marrë në Yale në 2018, fokusohet në mënyrën se si përfundojnë proceset e projektimit dhe si adresohet një pyetje e tillë në histori. Një tjetër kërkim hulumton qëndrueshmërinë e formës urbane: si forma parashikon dhe merr pjesë në ndërtimin ose fshirjen e qytetit. Luarasi ka prezantuar kërkimet e tij në konferenca të shumta ndërkombëtare dhe ka botuar në Future Anterior, Log, Disegnare, Bitácora, Haecceity, A+P Forum dhe revista të tjera. Ai është redaktori (me Adil Mansure) i Finding San Carlino: Collected Perspectives on the Geometry of the Baroque, botuar nga Routledge vjeshtën e kaluar. Ai është gjithashtu redaktor (me Gary Huafan He) i Perspektiva të Përmbledhura mbi Konceptet Bashkëkohore të Organicizmit: Kufijtë e Vetë-gjenerimit, Routledge, 2023. Ai është autor i Mbijetesës përmes Arkitekturës: Një Sondazh dhe Analizë e Oeuvre Architectural of Skënder Kristo Luarasi, TU Graz Verlag, 2023. Skender Luarasi ka një Master në Arkitekturë nga MIT, dhe një Bachelor në Arkitekturë nga Instituti i Teknologjisë Wentworth. Aktualisht është Dekan i Fakultetit të Kërkimit dhe Zhvillimit në Universitetin Polis në Tiranë, Shqipëri. Ai më parë ka dhënë mësim në Yale, RISD, UMass Amherst, WSU dhe MIT.


Mansure, Adil and Skender Luarasi, Ed. & Author, Finding San Carlino: Collected Perspectives on
Geometry and the Baroque. London & New York: Routledge, 2019, ISBN 9781138313002.


Luarasi, Skender and Gary He. The Limits of Self-generation: Collected Perspectives on the Contemporary
Concept(s) of Organicism, pritet të botohet nga Routledge në 2022.

Luarasi, Skender. Survival through Architecture: A Survey and Analysis of the Architectural Oeuvre of
Skënder Kristo Luarasi, 1908-1976, pritet të botohet nga TU Graz Verlag në 2022


Luarasi, Skender. On the Art of Stopping in Architecture: A Speculative Inquiry into Style, Geometry, and
Parametricism, in History, planifikohet të botohet nga Routledge në 2023.


Luarasi, Skender. “An Inquiry into the Problem of Stopping in the Digital Age.” The Past is Unpredictable:
Untimely Interrogations into Architecture, edited by Ingrid Mayrhofer-Hufnagl, (Seiten:Transcript, 2022, pp. 173-187, ISBN: 978-3-8376-6111-8.

Luarasi, Skender. “On Berat, the city of the Necklaces of Light.” Andi Papastefani, In Berat walking and
sketching. Tirana: Gent Grafik, 2022, pp. 29-36, ISBN 976-9928-294-80-7.

Mansure, Adil and Skender Luarasi. “Exhibition as Architectural Research: A report on the Instrumentality of
an Eternal Baroque.” Bitácora Arquitectura, Journal of the School of Architecture of the Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Issue 46, 2021, pp. 78-95, ISSN 2594-0856.

Luarasi, Skender. “Where Do You Stop: An Inquiry of the Design Process, In History.” In Proceedings of the
ConCave Ph.D. Symposium: Divergence in Architectural Research, March 5-6, 2020, edited by Hayri Dortdivanlioglu and Marisabel Marratt, pp. 185-190. Atlanta, GA: School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021, ISBN 978-0-9615650-1-5.

Luarasi, Skender. “Albanian Archipelagos: The City of a Non-normativity Foretold.” Forum A+P,
Interdisciplinary Journal of Architecture and Built Environment, Issue 22, 2021, pp. 89-93, ISSN 2227-7994.

Luarasi, Skender. “Modernism as the unconscious of globalism: mapping of subjectivities in
Sigfried Giedion’s historiography.” Modernisation and Globalization: New Paradigms in Architecture, City, Territory, Florian Nepravishta & Andrea Maliqari, Ed., La scuola di Pitagora editrice, Napoli, 2021, pp. 57-63, ISBN: 978-88-6542-814-6.

Luarasi, Skender. “Punctuating Gjirokastra’s Modernsim.” Rethinking Gjirokastra: Can Architecture and City
Planning Stimulate Hope and Growth for Shrinking Cities, OMB Series, Volume 7, POLIS University, Tirana, 2021, pp. 58-65, ISBN: 978-9928-4459-8-8

Luarasi, Skender and Adil Mansure. “Drawing as an expanded field: Francesco Borromini’s San Carlo alle
Quattro Fontane.” Disegnare, Idee, Imagini, Issue 61, 2020, pp. 82-95, ISBN 1123-9247.

Luarasi, Skender. “Punctuating Tirana’s Disappearing Modernism.” Foreword of Tirana: A 100 Sketches for
100 Years Capital, by Andi Papastefani. Tirana: Gent Grafik, 2020, unpaginated, ISBN 978-9928-294-25-8.

Luarasi, Skender. “A White Pyramid and a Center that Is Not a Center.” Log 47, Overcoming Carbon Form.
New York: Anyone Corporation, Fall 2019, pp. 76-84, ISBN 978-0-9992373-5-9.

Luarasi, Skender. “A Proposal for the PhD in Architecture: Toward the “Nocturnal Sky and Toggling Between
Research and Practice.” In Proceedings of 2019 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference: The Practice of Teaching | Teaching of Practice, Antwerp, Belgium, 2019. ISBN 978-1-944214-23-4

Luarasi, Skender. “Reclaiming Memory: Modern Architecture in Albania”, Monuments, Issue 56, 2017, pp.
77-90, ISSN: 0253-1607.

Luarasi, Skender. “Towards an Ethics of Delay and an Aesthetic of Complexity: An Effort to Register the
Agency of Spatial Practices in the Shaping of the Territory [in Albania].” Përpjekja (The Effort), edited by Albana Rexhepaj, vol. 34-35, 2016, pp. 215-226, ISSN: 2073-4107.

Luarasi, Skender. “Naturalizing architecture – beauty becoming beast: Condensation House,” paper presented
at the ACSA 101st Meeting, March 2013.

Luarasi, Skender. “Sympathizing Sisyphus: A Moment from the Work of Skënder Kristo Luarasi.” Forum A+P,
Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, Issue 13, 2013, pp. 174-188, ISSN: 2227-7994.

Luarasi, Skender. “Minimal Image – Ideogramming as Architectural Grammatology.” With Silence Implying
Sound, An Anthology of Architecture Theory, Haecceity Quarterly Architecture Essay (QAE), edited by Daniel Pavlovits, 2010, pp. 57-84, ISBN 978-0-646-53956-0.

Luarasi, Skender. “About the Modern Architecture in Albania,” Forum A+P, Journal of Architecture and Urban
Planning, vol 3, 2009, pp. 45-54.


Luarasi, Skender. “Villa XLT, Tirana.” in A2020/1 Fragments of Contemporary Albanian Architecture, edited
by Nesila Hajdini and Armand Vokshi, Tirana: Genti-Grafik, pp. 99-104, 2021, ISBN: 978-9928-294-40-1

Luarasi, Skender. “Ideogramming, Minimal Image and the Architecture of Appearances – Kamiak Motel
Project,” Forum A+P, Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, vol 2, 2009, pp. 42-52.


Luarasi, Skender, “The Life and Death of Skanderbeg Square: The Chronicle of an Undoing Foretold, In a
Hundred Years,” accepted paper to be presented at the Histories of Urban Design Conference at
ETH, in November 2021.

Luarasi, Skender and Kumaraku, Llazar, “The Sustainability of the City through (Urban) Form: A Speculative
Inquiry along Tirana’s Main Axis,” presented in ICONA Conference at the University of Sapienza,
July 1st, 2021, and to be published in Proceedings in Fall 2021.

Luarasi, Skender. “Tirana: A 100 Sketches for 100 Years Capital,” paper presented at the 9th International
Congress of the Italian Association of Urban History AISU (11-14 September 2019)