2025-02-05 9:14Projekte
Project Title: Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach – Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety
Period: 2015-2018
Project Title: OIKOnet: A Global Multidisciplinary Network on Housing Research and Learning
Period: 2013-2016
Project Title: GreenFORCE
Period: 2022-2025
Project title: GRADUA – Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania
Period: (2017-2021)
Project title: DRIVE – Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo
Period: (2020-2023)
Project title: VTECH – Accelerating Western Balkans University Modernization by Incorporating Virtual Technologies
Period: (2020-2023)
Project title: IDEA – Inclusive Tertiary Education in West Balkans
Period: (2021-2024)
Project title: STAND – Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities
Period: (2021-2024)
Project title: SMART WB – Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector
Period: (2022-2025)
Project title: PELMOB – Partnership for Promotion and Popularization of Electrical Mobility through Transformation and Modernization of WB HEIs Study Programs
Period: (2022-2025)
Project title: DG TRANS – Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs
Period: (2022-2025)
Project title: INTEC – International Engineering Competence Centres to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro
Period: (2023-2026)
Project title: STEFORA – STEM for All
Period: (2022-2025)
Project title: ROAMING – Strengthening International Staff & Student Mobility Offices in the Western Balkans
Period: (2022-2025)
Project title: QA-SURE – Improving University Quality Assurance Resilient Strategies Toward Excellence
Period: 2024 – 2026
Project Title: Developing and Adapting Professional Programs for Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans
Period: 2013 – 2016
Project Title: Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations
Period: 2013 – 2016
Developing research capacity and delivering research results, are keys to the institutional mission of POLIS University, aiming for an international reputation for innovative research. The engaged researchers are actively participating in collaborations and partnerships locally and globally, to produce research that responds to major social, economic and environmental challenges of national and international importance, as well as fundamental research into the built environment in Albania and the Balkan region.
POLIS University apart from projects of Erasmus+, Horizon2020 etc programs, is engaged in other EU funded projects, this can be considered not only an achievement, but also a responsibility for the institution.
Project Title: FuturA-Future Architecture Platform
Period: 2015 – 2016
SPORES is an artistic project that creates “intermedial experiences” at the crossroads of arts and technology, offering unprecedented opportunities for artists, audiences, cultural operators, institutions and technology designers to explore and implement new ways of experiencing live artistic performances both online and offline.
Project Title: SPORES – “intermedial experiences” at the crossroads of arts and technology
Period: 2023 – 2025
Referring to bilateral cooperation of POLIS University with other institutions has shown a good progress not only in the framework of joint research regional projects but also international ones.
Project Title: Down to Earth: Earthen Architecture in Eastern Europe
Period: 2015-2016
Project Title: NUFFIC
Period: 2013-2014
Project Title: Western Balkan-From Historical Integration to Contemporary Active Participation
Period: 2012-2014
Project Title: Participation by Architecture (DAAD)
Period: 2012
Project Title: Bed and Bunker (DAAD)
Period: 2012
Project Title: MATRA Social Transformation Program Fostering Partnerships for Equitable Cities-Capacity building for participatory spatial planning
Period: 2011-2013
Project Title: Regional Restoration Camps
Period: 2011
Project Title: Kampi i Restaurimit Voskopojë
Period: 2011
Bilateral research project
Project title: ZEB – Zero Energy Building- Research Project between POLIS University and Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione (ITC) – Milano, Italy
Period: (2019-2021)
Project title: “Sustainable Urban Development of the Peripheries between Graz and Tirana, Sprawl vs Density” between POLIS University and Graz University, Austria
Period: (2019-2021)
Project title: “The re-use of existing structures in Austria and Albania” between POLIS University and FH Joanneum, Austria
Period: (2019-2021)
giz Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Project title: Intensive training on ceramic and glass crafts and technique
Eu for Inovation
Project title: Innovation factory- an open space to co- innovat
Një ndër pikat më të forta të Universitetit POLIS është realizimi i kërkimit të aplikuar përmes projekteve dhe konsulencave të ndryshme profesionale të ofruara me cilësi dhe seriozitet të lartë.
Emri i Projektit: Konkurs Ndërkombëtar, Europan 2011. Pejë Kosovë
Periudha: 2011
Emri i Projektit: Zhvillimi Urban dhe Territorial i Tetovës.
Periudha: 2012
Emri i Projektit: Konkurs Ndërkombëtar, Muzeu Kombëtar në Kabul, Afghanistan
Periudha: 2012
Emri i Projektit: Konkurs Ndërkombëtar, Bulevardi Verior i Tiranës
Periudha: 2012
Emri i Projektit: Plani i Perdorimit të Tokës, Komuna Zagori
Periudha: 2012-2013
Emri i Projektit: Plani i Përgjithshëm Vendor, Bashkia Bajram Curri
Periudha: 2012-2013
Emri i Projektit: Plani i Përdorimit të Tokës, Bashkia Krumë
Periudha: 2012-2013
Emri i Projektit: Plani i Përgjithshëm Vendor, Bashkia Burrel
Periudha: 2012-2013
Emri i Projektit: Riviera: Vija bregdetare e jugut dhe vendbanimet, konkursi ndërkombëtar i projektimit urban
Periudha: 2014
Emri i Projektit: Rivitalizimi i rrugicave në qendren historike të shkodrës
Periudha: 2014-2015
Emri i Projektit: Ishulli i Osumit në Berat: konkurs ndërkombëtar i projektimit urban.
Periudha: 2015
Emri i Projektit: Plani i Përdorimit të Tokës, Bashkia Shkodër.
Periudha: 2016-2017
Të gjitha projektet janë një dëshmi e qartë, se pas një dekade pune U_POLIS ka ndërtuar një profil unik në treg dhe ka rritur vazhdimisht vizibilitetin përmes pjesëmarrjes aktive në konkurse, projekte kombëtare & ndërkombëtare dhe fitues në shumë prej tyre.