Sadmira Malaj

Student Ph.D.

Sadmira Malaj

Planifikim dhe Menaxhim Urban


Sadmira MALAJ aktualisht është asistente lektore si dhe e angazhuar në kërkim shkencor kryesisht mbi tematika si, placemaking, streetscape, mobility & transportation, ne departamentin e Planifikim dhe Menaxhim Urban në Unversitetin Polis.
Nga pikëpamja akademike, ajo ka përfunduar studimet në Programin 5-vjeçar të integruar në Planifikim dhe Menaxhim Urban në Universitetin Polis, aktualisht në ndjekje të Doktoraturës, mbi fushen e ‘Future Mobility and its Impact on Urban Form’. Në 4-vitet e fundit Sadmira ka qënë e angazhuar si Asistente Lektore në German University of Technology, Oman. Krahas këtij angazhimi, Sadmira është bashkëautore dhe kontribuese në botime të ndryshme në fushën e arkitekturës dhe planifikimit mbi tematika si; Green City & Urban Farming during COVID19, Housing, Mobility & Transportation, Placemaking & Co-designing, etj. Përgjatë të angazhimit të saj në Universitetin Gjerman te Tekonologjise ne Oman, Sadmira ishte
angazhuar dhe ne koordinimin e dy projekteve kerkimore si:
– Demand Oriented, Culture Sensitive-Housing in Oman financuar nga TRC (The Research Council) dhe GUtech (German University of Technology)
– Where Oman Walks? I financuar nga donatorë të ndryshëm si TRC (The Research Council), Municipality of Muscat, WHO (World Health Organisation) dhe GUtech (German University of Technology). Së fundmi ky projekt po merr përmasa më të gjëra duke u impelementuar dhe në kontekstin e Shqiperisë.

Fushat e interest dhe kerkimit shkencor: streetscape, placemaking & CO-designing, transport planning, traffic management, smart mobility and transportation, etc.


“Construct Validity of the Physical Activity Neighborhood Scale-Oman.” Frontiers in Public Health 11: 844
Authors: Linhares De Siqueira, Gustavo, Ruth Mabry, Huda Alsiyabi, Ahmad Adeel, Sadmira Malaj, and Adewale L. Oyeyemi. 2023

“Digitalization, Participation and Interaction: Towards More Inclusive Tools in Urban Design—A Literature Review” Sustainability 14, no. 8: 4514.
Authors: De Siqueira, Gustavo, Sadmira Malaj, and Mayssa Hamdani. 2022

“CAM and last chance for suburbia, towards a sustainable transportation system in Tirana”; (On Process)
Authors: Sadmira Malaj, Leonora Haxhiu, Gustavo de Sequeira, Dorina Pojani

What is the best strategy to densify a sprawling city? Evidence from the Arabian Peninsula; (On Process)
Author: Gustavo de Siqueira, Sadmira Malaj, Dorina Pojani, AhmadAdeel

“Future of Transport is Circular, The Role of Sustainable Economy Concepts in Transport Infrastructure, Literature Review”; (On Process)
Authors: Elona Karafili, Sadmira Malaj, Ledio Allkja

“Street Junctions as a Bottleneck of traffic. Analysing and valuing the existing situation of traffic nodes in Tirana”; (On Process)
Authors: Sadmira Malaj, Armela Reka,

“Smart Parking Management System. Leveraging IoT Sensors and Video Recognition for Enhanced Urban Parking Availability, Case Study: Tirana”; (On Process)
Author: Sadmira Malaj, Mayssa Hamdani

International Conferences:
Towards Sustainable Urban Planning in Western Balkan Region, Literature Review; International Scientific Conference – GREEN AGENDA FOR WESTERN BALKANS, June 20-22, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia
Authors: Flora Krasniqi, Sadmira Malaj

“Facilitating Circular Economy for more Resilient Road
Transportation, in the context of Albania”; International Conference CEI “Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges. November 17-18, 2022, Tirane, Albania
Authors: Sadmira, Malaj, Godiva Rembeci

Green Pocket spaces strategy for active and inclusive communities in Muscat. DOI: 10.47472/kn2Sap7t . Conference: 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, January 2022, Brussel, Belgium
Authors: Gustavo DE SIQUEIRA, Iman Al Ofi, Sadmira Malaj, Ercan AGIRBAS, Ruth MABRY, Joleza Koka

Where Albania Walks ProjectPedestrianization strategies for healthier and inclusive neighborhoods, a report from the fie, DOI: 10.47472/ivgkRZBo – Conference: 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, January 2022, Brussel, Belgium
Authors: Joleza Koka, Gustavo de Siqueira, Sadmira Malaj, Ana Rushi

Researcher on International Research Projects:
“Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector / SmartWB”; Erasmus Capacity Building Project in Higher Education;

Transport of Dangerous Goods – Modernization of Curricula and Development of Trainings for Professionals in the Western Balkans HEIs; Erasmus Capacity Building Project in Higher Education