Endrit Marku
2024-11-07 14:00Endrit Marku
Architect, Visual Artist and Lecturer
Department of:
Architecture and Engineering

Endrit is an architect and lecturer, based in Tirana, Albania. He is experienced in different scales of the design process from planning and urban design to architecture projects. As a researcher he works mostly on topics related to the semiotics of the architecture form and space, with a particular focus on the role of authority and stakeholders in shaping the environments of our everydayness.
Endrit’s drawing methodology is intrinsically architectonic, inspirational too, and informed by his work. The process of drawing is juxtaposed to most of his activity, from conceptual diagrams, initiating a project, sketches of particular places that later on will help in the characterization of a design, or graphical storytelling of phenomena that at some point will evolve in complex written essays.
Until 2022, Endrit was the Head of the Department of Architecture and Engineering Department of POLIS University. As a lecturer and researcher Endrit is interested in topics related to the spatial qualities of Architecture and its semiotics. His methodology is being applied in Polis University first year Studio since 2010-2011. He has been the head of this studio since then. He leads the 3rd year Architecture Studio and collaborates in the Diploma theses. Endrit’s Phd study was focused in the topics of space and authority having as a case study Tirana in different historical periods. This discussion has been extended further into the topic of visual language in his recently published book “Pas Shpatullave të Udhëheqësit” (Behind the Leader’s Shoulders), where he analyzes the official speeches of different world leaders announcing the Covid19 pandemic, in terms of the semiotics of the space and background chosen by them.
Endrit drawing are rooted in his research and design process. He uses drawings, inspired by his architect’s background, to develop his projects but also to research phenomena related to the city.
During his carrier Endrit has been part of several projects that have been acknowledged with different achievements. Winner of the International competition for Vlore’s Waterfront. Best Local Studio (as part of the core team and then project manager of the implementation project); Winner of the Innovation Prices in the international Competition for the Boulevard of Tirana in collaboration with KCAP (as consultant); Winner of the Local Competition for the Energy Efficient Social housing in Korçë (as the Lead Architect).
Endrit has been nominated 4 (four times) by Mies van Der Rohe Award and three times for the Big SEE Award: Square in Pustec; Livestock Market; Apartment in Tirana. He is the Winner of the International Architectonic Drawing Competition One Drawing Challenge, 2021 organized by the Architizer Platform.
About the Competition:
Participating in a “Non Architecture” competition felt special, the extensive number of calls, the many topics, the fast paced process and the particular registration platform makes it different, fresh and up to date. Within the platform there is space for every creative, and especially for a niche category like the “architectural representation”. To me this particular call looked perfect, the title “Re-draw Nakagin” was self-explanatory, the moment I read it I immediately visualized my work to be.