Sherif Lushaj
2023-10-30 12:43Sherif Lushaj

Sherif Lushaj, since 2012, has been a professor at Polis University, from 2014-2022 Dean of the Planning, Environment and Urban Management Faculty, developing subjects in environmental programs: (Bachelor), Master Urban Environmental Management; Integrated Master's in Urban Planning, Professional Master's, supervision of student diplomas and PhDs, etc. He has the scientific titles and degrees following: Professor EMERITUS (2023), Professor (1999), Associate Professor (1995), Doctor of Sciences (i) (1993), Doctor of Sciences (ii) (1995), "Docent (1987), Candidate of Sciences (1981) in the field of agriculture and environment. During 36 years as a scientific researcher in research-scientific institutions and as academic staff in universities, mainly in the fields of agriculture science, soil science, environment, and territorial planning, he has realized: 200 studies and scientific projects, 230 scientific articles and books in inside and outside the country and 210 scientific presentations. He has been a leader in several international projects; bilateral cooperation scientific projects and national projects. He is actively involved in POLIS projects, for the drafting of general
local plans and strategic environmental assessment of plans (SEA). He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the magazines "Habitat" and “Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans (Journal of the Western Balkan Network on Territorial)
Lushaj Sh, Muharremaj V, 2023 “Green spaces in function of the sustainability of cities. (Published of the scientific conference proceedings "Populated centers of Albania – Current and future" organized by the Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Universities of the country. Pages 156-171. ISBN-978-9928-339-1
Lushaj Sh, 2021 “Improving the Governance and Administration of Agricultural Land in Albania” publication on “Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the western Balkans (Journal of the Western Balkan Network on Territorial Governance nr.III, 2021, pg. 58-70, ISSN
Lushaj Sh, 2021 "Pollution of agricultural land, impacts on food security and health of the population" (Conference proceedings of the national conference – To protect the land for a growing population and in the conditions of global phenomena", "HABITAT" Magazine, pages 36-53, ISSN-23068779
Lushaj Sh, 2020, “The process, difficulties and the innovative VSM findings of Dropull” (Rurban sequences/inquiries on Dropull’s states of Liminality, Observatory of the Mediterranean Basin (OMB no.6, 2020, pages 176-183. ISBN/978-9928-347-01-5(V-6).
Lushaj Sh, 2019, “Risk Analysis and Alternatives of Protection from Vjosa Rives Flood, Conference proceedings TDW 2019, Internacional conference Scientific Conference, September /Polis University, pages 267-278. ISBN