

Institutional Accreditation

POLIS University is a private HEI established by Decision of the Court of the Tirana Judicial District No. 35386 date, 04.04.2006, as well as Licensed by Decision of the Council of Ministers VKM No. 698, dated 11.10.2006.

  1. Institutionally accredited for the first time by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 227, dated 22.07.2009
  2. Re-accredited institutionally for the second time by Order of the Ministry of Education and Sports No. 267, dated 20.05.2016
  3. Re-accredited institutionally for the third time by QAA  and ASCAL with Decision No. 113, dated 15.12.2017
  4. International institutional re-accreditation for the fourth time by QAA dated 18.12.2023

International Accreditation

POLIS University creates and continuously maintains relations with participating institutions of Quality Assurance, not only with local but also foreign ones, thus playing an important role in ensuring the institution’s transparency.

Currently U_POLIS has three international accreditations;
1. Annual accreditation by the responsible Italian authority within the joint doctoral program between POLIS University and Ferrara University, starting from the academic year 2013-2014 and continuing.
2. Fulfillment of European Union quality standards and accreditation requirements in the countries of origin, IPAG Business School, Paris, France and IHS/ERASMUS University, Rotterdam, Netherlands in cooperation with which POLIS University offers three Professional Master study programs with of three profiles each.
3. Accreditation by AESOP for the integrated study program (5-year) Urban Planning and Management, issue date December 2015.

Accreditation of programs

POLIS University is a private HEI established by Decision of the Court of the Tirana Judicial District No. 35386 dated 04.04.2006 and ;

  1. Licensed by Decision of the Council of Ministers VKM No. 698, dated 11.10.2006.
  2. Accredited by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science institutionally as well and in the respective programs respectively with:

Order No. 227, dated 22.07.2009, (Institutional Accreditation and 5-year MSc.)

Order No. 250, dated 14.06.2013, (Accreditation, Bachelor, MP and MSC)

Order No. 289, dated 11.07.2013, (Accreditation, MND)

Order No. 187, dated 15.05.2015, (Accreditation, PhD)

Order No. 242, dated 17.06.2015, (Accreditation, Energy Efficiency)

Order No. 267, dated 20.05.2016, (Periodic Institutional Accreditation)

Order No. 266, dated 20.05.2016, (Periodic Accreditation, Urban Planning and Management)

Order No. 268, dated 20.05.2016, (Periodic Accreditation, Architecture and Urban Design)

Order No. 269, dated 20.05.2016, (Accreditation, MBA)

Order No. 270, dated 20.05.2016, (Accreditation, Civil Engineering)

Decision No. 113, dated 15.12.2017, (Periodic Institutional Accreditation with QAA)

Decision No. 12, dated 30.03.2018, (Accreditation, MSc. Civil Engineering)

Decision No. 01, dated 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, Bachelor of Art and Design)

Decision No. 04, date 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, Bachelor of Environmental Studies)

Decision No. 03, date 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, MSc. Applied Design)

Decision No. 06, date 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, MSc. Urban Environmental Management)

Decision No. 02, dated 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, MP. Parametric design with three profiles)

Decision No. 05, dated 01.02.2019, (Periodic Accreditation, Ministry of Land Development Policies with three profiles)

Decision Nr. 30, date 22.04.2022, (Accreditation, Computer Maintenance)

Decision Nr. 28, date 03.03.2023, (Accreditation, Computer Science)

Decision Nr. 29, date 03.03.2023, (Periodic Accreditation, PHD-Architecture and Urban Planning)

  1. Gains the status of “University” by Decision of the Council of Ministers VKM No. 746, date 24.10.2012.