Partnerships and Memberships
2024-02-09 10:01Partnerships and Memberships
POLIS University is an institution characterized by a prominent international dimension, which is reflected in the study programs, the composition of the academic staff, the students, but also in the intensive and diverse exchanges with various international partners as part of joint research and didactic activities. as well as in continuous exchanges and high mobility between academic staff and students. U_POLIS is the first Albanian university to be an official signatory of the Bologna Charter Observatory: “Magna Charta Universitatum” in Italy.

U_POLIS has an extended network of national and international partners. Partners and types of cooperation vary from long-term strategic partnerships, with which U_POLIS offers joint academic programs and joint research projects, to ad hoc partners selected for certain activities such as joint workshops, joint research activities and schemes for mobilization of staff and students.
U_POLIS partners by type of cooperation:
The name of the organization
Magna Charta Universitatum, Bologna
Central European Exchange Program for University Studies – CEEPUS
Association of European Schools of Planning – AESOP
International Society of City and Regional Planners – ISOCARP
European Network for Housing Research – ENHR
Central and Eastern European Management Development Associations – CEEMAN
European Association for Education in Architecture – EAAE
European Council of Schools of Landscape Architecture – ECLAS
European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association – EUCEET
Quality Assurance Agency International Membership – QAA
Name of HEI
DA / University of Ferrara, Italy – Research, Third level joint-education (PhD, Executive)
SoE / University of Minho, Portugal – Research & European projecs, Mobility.
IHS / Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Anhalt University of Aplied Sciences / Bauhaus Dessau, Germany.
Spectra / Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
MakeLab / LTU Lawrence Technological University, Detroit Michigan USA.
SoA / Clemson University – Research & exchange
UNECE United Nations Economic Center for Europe, Geneva Switzerland – Geneva Charter Centers of Excellence on Sustainable and Resilient Settlements
Erasmus+ / Horizon / Creative Europe
TU Darmstadt, Germany
University of Studies, Trieste, Italy
Universita IAUV, Venecia, Italy
FH Mainz, Germany
IHS/ Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Royal Academy of Art, Hagë, Netherlands
IPAG Business School, Paris, France
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
University of Salerno, Italy
Academy of Fine Arts, Katania, Italy
University of Minho, Portugal
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
University Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon
Lawrence Technological University, Detroit, USA
University of Graz, Austria
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Dessau, Germany
TU Wien, Austria
University of Tirana
Akademia e Filmit “Marubi”
Riga Building College, Latvia
University of Chieti-Pescara “G. d’Annunzio”
Name of government institution
Science Academy
Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism
Central Technical Archive of Construction
Ministry of European Integration
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Defense
Municipality of Tirana
American Embassy
German Embassy
Swiss Embassy
Austrian Embassy/Austrian Society Albania
Austrian Development Agency
Municipality of Tetova
Institute of Cultural Monuments
Kashar municipality
Municipality of Saranda
Burrel Municipality
Kamez municipality
Vora municipality
Name of professional organization
Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV)
State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG)
Agency for the Promotion of Research Europe – APRE
Cultural Heritage without Borders
Albanian Heritage Foundation (AHF)
Albanian Heritage Foundation (AHF)
International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Tirana, TICAB
Engineers Without Borders, Bari
URI / Bells
Hanss Seidel Stiftung
AWR, Rome, Italy
Zeta Gallery
Altea & Geostudio 2000
GeoConsulting Albania
Institute for Democracy and Reform – IDR
Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB)
The name of the business community
Albanian Union of Architects, Urbanists and Planners_ AUA
Tirana Business Park
Alba Road (ISOTHERM)
ALUFLOR Construction Group
P.T. Construction
KIKA Construction
Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania (UCCIAL)
The Albanian experience
Real Estate Agency INF-93
Association of Municipalities of Albania (SH.K.SH)
U_POLIS has a cooperation agreement at the Rectorate level with UNIFE_University of Ferrara, Italy, on the basis of which it carries out exchanges of professors and researchers supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy and the Ministry of Education and Sports in Albania. Both universities are implementing a Joint Doctorate Program in Architecture and Urban Planning, recognized in both countries. Cooperation and consolidated agreement also exists with IHS/Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, with which it has been working for years in urban development programs and local capacity building, with the support of the Dutch authorities, especially the MATRA and NUFFIC Programs. On this basis, the parties also organize a joint Postgraduate Master’s program, with 6 specialties in: Design Issues and Urban Issues.
.Intensive and fruitful exchanges exist for several years with TU-Vienna, Technical University of Vienna, Austria and with the University of Applied Sciences in Anhalt/Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Cooperation agreements and exchanges have also worked with the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Universities of Applied Sciences in Mainz, in Karlsruhe and in Cottbus, Germany; or with the University of Trieste, ISF/ Polytechnic of Bari and “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy. Interesting exchanges also exist with the University of Belgrade, Serbia, Podgorica in Montenegro, Pristina, Kosovo and Skopje, Macedonia.
At the local level, POLIS is a member of the Conference of Rectors in Albania and of the AUA_Union of Albanian Architects, Town Planners and Planners; The University has cooperation activities and agreements with: Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration; as well as with the Ministry of European Integration. U_POLIS collaborates in a special way with the Academy of Film and Multimedia “Marubi” and with TICAB_Tirana International Contemporary Art Biannual; as well as with a number of foreign embassies in Tirana, including those of the Netherlands, Austria, the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, etc.
Every year, many students of POLIS and partner schools engage in international, regional and local exchanges and projects, be they multi or bi-lateral. In these cases, credits (ECTS) are recognized and transferred mutually according to the European/International system. POLIS cooperates closely with a number of donors (SCP Switzerland, DAAD Germany, Tempus EU, Fund of Excellence and Brain Gain Albania, UNDP, etc.), as well as with specialized local and regional organizations, including: CHWB_Cultural Heritage Without Borders (in Bosnia, Kosovo and Sweden), with IM_Institute of Cultural Monuments, with AHF_Albanian Heritage Foundation, with AAC_Association of Municipalities of Albania and with REC_Regional Environmental Center, in Tirana.
Finally, in July 2015, AESOP_Association of European Schools of Planning accredited POLIS University at the European Congress in Prague, after a 1-year process, where 25 European universities were scanned. POLIS was qualified at the end of this process, among the first 3 schools, while the other schools involved continue to complete and improve. Një hap i madh ky për ndërkombëtarizimin e projektit tonë cilësor dhe një marketim ndërkombëtar për arsimin në Shqipëri!