Luca Lezzerini
2023-03-27 23:03Luca Lezzerini
Scientific Research

Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tor Vergata University, Rome (Italy).
He started working in 1986, during the fifth year of high school, as a freelance IT consultant working with small and medium-sized enterprises.
Graduated as Electronic Engineer in Tor Vergata University of Rome, currently works as ICT Consultant, Software Project Manager and Organizational Processes Expert.
He has worked and still works in numerous sectors, including Defence and Aerospace. He has supported and led various critical ICT projects including SILEF (Logistic Information System for Eurofighter), LIS (Logistic Information System for the International Space Station and the manned missions of the European Space Agency), DSS for the Italian Air Force.
He is currently in the third year of an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and international doctorate (PhD) at the University of Ferrara – IUSS (University Institute of Higher Studies) with the “Safety and Security in Smart Cities’ public spaces” research project.
He has been teaching since 1996, both directly and on behalf of important Italian training institutions (Performa, Accademia Informatica, Consilia, Humanform, iDocet, Ergoproject Plus, …), the topics on which he has work experience. Teacher of regional courses for job placement of the unemployed and unemployed through training on ICT technologies.
Lecturer at the Polis University of Tirana (Albania), Faculty of Computer Science, for the courses of Software Engineering, Data Science, Java Advanced Programming and Python Programming.
He has designed and directed the implementation of projects based on artificial intelligence, the most important and recent of which are: SAMURAI (2016) for the automatic understanding of medical texts, Adviser (2019) for the dosing at low concentrations of tumor markers.
Currently, he is working on Beccaria, the software to digitally manage the entire criminal process in Italian courts.
- Complex or Critical Software Development
- Programming Languages – Java, Python, PHP, Typescript/Javascript, C/C++, C#. Frameworks: SpringBoot, Laravel
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Safety, Security, Cybersecurity
- Integrated Logistic Support Systems for Aerospace and Complex Systems
- Organizational Engineering
- Reliability Engineering
- Operational Research
- NoSQL Database and BigData
XVI International Conference on Smart Cities and Smart Urban Technologies Paris, France, 2023, “Sunset Tourism for the Rebirth of Shrinking Cities”, Speaker
Tirana Architecture Week 2022, Universiteti Polis, Tirana, Albania, 2022, “IoT user interfaces design and development in Smart Skyscrapers”, Lecturer
6th International Conference on Green Urbanism, U. Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy 2022 “Formal model for Green Urbanism in Smart Cities”, Speaker and publication
Symposium “Computing the Built Environment – Challenges of Smart Mobility, Safety and Security of Public spaces”, U. Polis, Tirana, Albania 2021 “Issues About Risk Management in Smart Cities”, Speaker
Takim Teknik Pune – Tiranë, 06 Prill 2016 – Ministria e Energjsë dhe Industrië “Challenges on new software for energetic perfomance calculation in civil buildings: the European experience”, Speaker
Development of a world biomaterial bank through an intelligent database” Applied sciences in biomedical and communication technologies (ISABEL), 2010 3rd International Symposium. IEEE, Speaker and publication
“Optimal LORA: alternative approach to sensitivity analysis”, 7th Symposium on Logistics and Quality, Italian Navy, Taranto, 2005, Speaker
“Neptune: a Tool and an Approach for Life Cycle Cost Reduction in Space Ground Segment”, 6th International Symposium on Reducing the Costs of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations (RCSGSO), ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany. ESA SP-601. European Space Agency, 2005. Publication
“Innovative Methodologies and Algorithms for Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Optimization in Maintenance Management”. 1st International Maintenance Management Conference, Venezia 2005. Speaker and Publication