Llazar Kumaraku
2024-11-08 8:10Llazar Kumaraku
Doctor of Science in Architecture
Faculty of Planning, Environment and Urban Management

Llazar Kumaraku is an architect and urban planner. He completed his Master of Science and PhD studies at Sapienza University in Rome. His doctoral thesis focuses on the compositional elements of urban space in ex-novo built cities in Lazio between the two world wars.
Since 2015, he has been part of POLIS University, collaborating on the subjects of Urban Planning and Urban Design. Initially, he assisted and later directed the Urban Laboratory course in the Professional Master in Territorial Planning and GIS. Starting from October 2023, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Planning, Environment, and Urban Management at POLIS University.
Llazar Kumaraku was a visiting professor at TU Graz from October 2019 to March 2020. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Molise in Italy and U-Minho in Portugal.
He has published in national and international journals such as (H)ortus-Sapienza in Italy, Athens Journal of Architecture in Greece, Forum AP and Polis Press in Albania, and U-Minho in Portugal. In 2019, he published the translation from Italian to Albanian of Franco Purini’s book “Comporre l’Architettura,” and in 2024, together with Daniela Kavaja, he published the Albanian translation of Cesare Brandi’s “Teoria e Restaurimit.”
KAVAJA D, KUMARAKU L, (2024). Teoria e Restaurimit, Polis Press: Tirane. (Përshtatje nga italishtja në shqip e librit “Teoria del Restauro” e Cesare Brandi)
KUMARAKU L, PRIFTI J. (2024). Investigating the Formal Relationship between Infrastructure and the Urban Form in Albanian Settlements. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12(1), 133 – 140. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.12011
KUMARAKU L. (2023) Spatial Proposals for The Post Pandemic City. Panacea Planning and Architecture for The Third Millenium Settlement. The Case of Lezha Region. In Scientific journal of the Observatory of Mediterranean Basin. Vol. 7. Tirane: Polis Press. ISSN: 2959-4081. DOI: 10.37199/o41008117
KUMARAKU L. ISTREFAJ M. (2023) Innovative housing models that reflect the needs of contemporary society. (Post-pandemic context) In Scientific journal of the Observatory of Mediterranean Basin. Vol. 7. Tirane: Polis Press. ISSN: 2959-4081. DOI: 10.37199/o41008204
KUMARAKU L. PULA D. (2023) Identity of Architecture: The Case of the National Library of Kosovo. Athens Journal of Architecture. 9 (3) July. Pages 281-298. DOI: 10.30958/aja_v9i3.