Ledian Bregasi

Architectural Design Lecturer


Architecture and Engineering


PhD. Ledian Bregasi is Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at POLIS University where he teaches advanced architectural design since 2010. Ledian Bregasi was granted the Ph.D. title in Architecture, Theory and Design for his thesis focusing on the emergent properties of complex systems and their possible applications in architectural and urban design from “Sapienza” University of Rome from where he had previously graduated in the Architecture UE integrated master program. The work of his Mater Thesis is published in a special issue of the “L’Arca” magazine.
In 2013 and 2021 he is co-curator of the first and fourth editions of the Tirana Design Week, a biennial event organized by POLIS University.
Since 2012 he is director of The Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners, an association of professionals that has among its objectives the advancement of the architectural debate and the promotion of professional excellence.


Dhamo S., Perna V., Bregasi L. (2021) “Non-Cooperative and Repetitive Games for Urban Conflicts in Tirana: A Playful Collaborative System to Lower Social Tension”, International Conference on the 4th Game Set and Match (GSM4Q-2019), Doha, Qatar, 6-7 February 2019, https://doi.org/10.29117/gsm4q.2019.0039

Dhamo S., Bregasi L., Perna V. (2020) Computational Design for Complexity-Related Issues. Strategies to Foresee Emergent Behavior and Social Conflict in the ‘Organic’ Tirana. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Human Values and Quality of Life. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12183. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49065-2_40

Saggio A., Bregasi L., (2020) Research, Design, Teaching. Three synergic areas in Albania’s finest School of architecture. In DiAP in the world, International Vision, edited by Orazio Carpenzano, Roberto A. Cherubini, Anna Irene Del Monaco, Sapienza Università Editrice, Roma, ISBN 978-88-9377-130-6, https://doi.org/10.13133/9788893771306

Bregasi, L., (2020). I margini d’acqua della città di Scutari: la proposta per il nuovo Piano Generale Locale. In: L’ Industria delle Costruzioni, July – August 2020, pp. 118-121, Roma, ISSN 0579-4900