Flora Krasniqi
2023-03-28 20:51Flora Krasniqi
Office of Projects and Internationalization
flora_krasniqi @universitetipolis.edu.al

Dr. Flora Krasniqi is the head of the Office of Internationalization and Projects at POLIS University. Lead manager of Erasmus and Tempus capacity building projects, led by POLIS University, as well as other projects, funded by national and international programs. Very good communication and analytical skills, strong networking skills, ability to manage the project cycle from early stage to final report, with an extensive portfolio in project management and absorption.
Specific interest in the sustainable development of links between the university and business with a special focus on Innovation, Academic and Applied Research.
Coordinator at POLIS University for the “Erasmus Exchange” program for staff and students.
Lecturer of several subjects and modules such as: Academic Writing; Scientific Research Methods; Organizational behavior
F. Krasniqi, Karafili E. Designing a methodology for assessing the economic value of forests in Albania. “1ST INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON PROFESSIONAL SCIENCES”
F. Krasniqi: New approaches to employment through the modernization of education in the Western Balkans, “Ninth Conference on the topic of “Issues, trends and challenges of regional development”
Zeneli, G., F. Krasniqi, J. Taraj 2015. The link between Biodiversity and Economy in the Albanian National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. In: “3rd International Scientific Conference: Environmental Factors, Challenges for Economic Development”. Tetovo, FYROM, December 4-5, 2015.
Zeneli, G., F. Krasniqi, A. Diku. 2015. Moving towards biodiversity assessment: Paradigm shift in NBSAP in Albania. In: “6th International Symposium of the Ecologist of Montenegro”. Ulcinj, Montenegro, October 15-18, 2015.
S. Dushku, F. Krasniqi 2013, participated in the 11th Conference of TiSSA, International Academy “Social Work and Society” 2013, Affirmation or Refusal, Social work at the crossroads – Challenges for European societies