Faculty of Research and Development

Faculty of Research and Development

Faculty of Research and Development (FKZH)

Dekan i FKZH

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Dean’s Welcome

The Faculty of Research and Development (FKZH) has the mission of orienting and coordinating the entire university towards research strategies and themes, interdisciplinary and specific, at the scientific and application level.

Scientific Research– is led by the “Department of Scientific Research” which contains the International Doctoral Program in “Architecture and Urban Planning” (with a double degree); as well as the  Executive Master of Cultural Heritage Restoration Program (with a common degree); So both in collaboration with the University of Ferrara, Italy. Research activity takes place at the faculty and inter-disciplinary program level, in cooperation with other faculties and university departments and programs. This unit also includes BSC and MSC programs in computer sciences.

Applied Research– is led by the “Applied Research Department” which focuses on combining energy efficiency and information technologies, on the one hand, with artifacts and architectural, urban, and cultural heritage practices on the other. This department also contains two professional programs, that of Energy Efficiency and ICT Network Maintenance. The unit coordinates cooperation with other units for organizing LLL (LIFE LONG LERNING), as well as research synergy and consulting with the CO-PLAN Institute and Studies MetroPolis.Sh.p.k.

Third unit– specialized in source and information issues. It includes: i) POLIS-PRESS University publishing house; as well as a bibliolis, or library in hard (physical) and soft (online) versions. “Resource and Information Center”, engages with managing and expanding scientific resources, as well as publishing the research work of the university, in periodicals such as Forum A+P or OMB series. Research fields and topics are designed through comprehensive discussion between university departments and staff, through active consultation with scientific research actors at home and abroad, as well as through active and permanent research and updating on international research and contexts as well as contexts national where these practices can be implemented.

In accordance with the Statute of U_POLIS and its General Regulation, the staff acts in full and independent academic freedom to provide, the highest quality of teaching and enhancement of engagement in scientific research. The department is the basic unit of development of teaching and research work of the faculty, which includes similar research areas and groups the respective teaching disciplines. In addition to the research focus, the MAF Faculty has 6 academic programs (Post-Secondar Vocational School, Computer Science, and Third Level Education Programs (Executive Master and PhD).

Welcome to the FKZH!


 PhD / Executive Master :

School of Computer Science:

Department of Scientific Research
Department of Applied Research
Coordinator of the Energy Efficiency vocational school
Resource and Information Center