International Conference: Issues of Housing, Territorial Planning & Development in Albania, Western Balkans & Mediterranean Basin
2023-04-10 15:17International Conference: Issues of Housing, Territorial Planning & Development in Albania, Western Balkans & Mediterranean Basin

International Conference: Issues of Housing, Territorial Planning & Development in Albania, Western Balkans & Mediterranean Basin
The Academy of Sciences & Polis University
20-21 September 2023
International Conference: Issues of Housing, Territorial Planning & Development in Albania, Western Balkans & Mediterranean Basin
Supported by:
UNECE Housing and Land Management – OMB Center of Excellence on Sustainable & Resilient Settlements
Ministry of Finances & Economy, Housing Department.
Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development & Terrritorial Governance Network in Western Ballkans!
The main idea of this international conference is to define a strategic set of activities and interests through which Albanian, Western Balkans and Mediterranean cities can be studied as a crossroads of different identities in terms of housing, planning, and territorial development.
The orgabizers uses the term “multi-modality” to define a complex situation (in matters of territory, architecture, housing, public space, urbanism, etc.) in which Albanian, Balkan & Mediterranean cities have always coexisted in history, a combination of knowledge and heritage that throughout time and history have given life to civilization in this region of Europe. Part of the work of this unit is the active involvement of Albania in the existing network of the Mediterranean Basin and the EU, through a joint action plan with UN / UNECE and the Albanian and regional authorities. The conclusions will include recommendations for further scinetific research and applied research, projects and events.
The geographical focus of the conference has been positioned in three dimensions: i) Albania; ii) Western Balkans; iii) Countries of the region bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. Polis University aims to focus on the above-mentioned areas of study that are of common interest to both the Balkan region and the Mediterranean cities, including issues related to Rights, Land, and Water (sea, lake, rivers), etc.Organizing/Scientific Committee:
Dr. Godiva Rembeci, Dr. Ledian Bregasi, Dr. Skënder Luarasi , Dr. Rudina Toto, Dr. Dritan Shutina, Dr. Artan Kacani, Dr. Ledio Allkjax Dr. Kejt Dhrami, Dr. Fiona Imami, Dr. Merita Guri, Dr. Merita Toska, Doc. Doris Andoni, Doc. Doriana Musaj, Dr. Nikolla Vesho.
Prof. Besnik Aliaj, Prof. Sherif Lushaj, Prof. Pantelis Skayanis, Prof. Roberto Di Giulio, Prof. Marco Mulazzani, Prof. Gjergji Ikonomi, Prof. Edi Hila, Prof. Tamara Luarasi, Prof.As. Xhimi Hysa. Prof.As. Santina di Salvo, Dr. Sotir Dhamo, Dr. Elona Karafili, Dr. Ledian Bregasi, Dr. Skender Luarasi, Dr. Endrit Marku, Dr. Llazar Kumaraku, Dr. Peter Nientied, Dr. Fabrizio Aimar, Dr. Valerio Perna, Dr. Ilda Rusi, Dr. Sonia Jojic.
15 May 2023 – Abstracts in English
30 June – Full papers in English
15 July – Aproval of papers
20-22 September 2023 – Conference
15 December – Proceedings published