Armela Reka
2024-11-08 9:29Armela Reka
Faculty of Planning, Environment and Urban Management

Armela Reka is an Urban Planner. She completed her studies at the Faculty of Planning, Environment, and Urban Management at Polis University, where she graduated with the title of Master of Science in the 5-Year Integrated Program for Planning, Environment, and Urban Management. She also studied at “Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Bernburg, Germany,” within the Erasmus KA+107 program, during which she deepened her knowledge on Landscape Architecture.
In October 2021, Armela became part of Polis University in the role of Laboratory Assistant at the research and development unit “Innovation Factory”. During this time, she was part of the organizing team of the Young Academics network of the Association of Schools of Territorial Planning in Europe (AESOP).
Starting in 2022, she will be a full-time academic staff member at the Faculty of Planning, Environment, and Urban Management, at Polis University. Her academic experience includes the subjects: Urban Planning Studio, Transport Policy & Traffic Management, Urban Regeneration, Landscape Design, Technology & City Infrastructure, and History of Architecture. Also, from 2022 until now, Armela has held the role of academic advisor for the students of the Department of Planning and Urban Management.
Armela is also part of the editorial team of the OMB research unit, Observatory of the Mediterranean Basin, with a specific contribution to the Scientific Journals of the OMB Series, and involved in the preparation of the report entitled “Country Profile in Urban Development, Housing, and Land Management,” a joint action plan with UNECE.
Starting from October 2023, Armela’s involvement also develops in other processes at the university, such as: Managing the “Office for Student Support and Career Counseling” (OSSCC) and the “ALUMNI Association”.
HAXHIU.L, REKA.A, REMBECI.G, (2024) Mapping the transformation of informal settlements in Tirana, Albania using GIS. 2nd International Scientific Conference- The Future of Science: Challenges and Opportunities
ISBN 978-9951-510-30-1
REMBECI.G, REKA.A, HAXHIU.L, (2023) Migration Movement as a driving force to the growth of city’s urbanization in Tirana, Albania (on process).
MALAJ.S, REKA.A, Street Junctions as a Bottleneck of traffic. Analyzing and valuing the existing situation of traffic nodes in Tirana, Albania (on process)
REKA.A (2022) The anthropization of Tirana- Durres region. Case Study: Former Durres Swamp-3rd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON PROFESSIONAL STUDIES AND LABOR MARKET, Durres-Albania, in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development (IJRD). ISBN 978-9928-4714-4-4
REKA.A, MUSAJ.N (2021) Banesat Kolektive në Shqipëri. Rasti I pallateve “Agimi” dhe “Shallvare”. TDW2021 International Scientific Conference “The Post-Pandemic Right to the City” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22676.99203