Flavjo Cyci
2023-04-03 20:38Flavjo Cyci
FABLAB – Research Center in Architecture, Engineering and Design

Flavjo Çyçi – Has been part of Polis University since 2016, as a student in the architecture department, where he completed his Integrated Scientific Master’s studies. After finishing his studies, due to his good graphic/computer skills and talent, he became part of the staff of “IF Innovation Factory”, a ‘Fab-Lab’ type laboratory which focuses on innovation in various fields through 3D-printing technologies. Flavjo’s field of specialization is “computational design logics”. This specialty makes the difference between different modeling tools.
In addition to the tools that every software possesses, Flavio possesses a series of general techniques such as modeling of rough surfaces, modeling of organisms, modeling of ‘quads’, sculpting, etc. Ark. Flavjo Çyçi also assists teaching at Polis University since 2020 in subjects such as: Caad; Digital and parametric design; and Interactive Gaming Systems. Modeling or recreating an object is a deep process of learning and understanding it. Different tools give different possibilities for its creation, such as pencil and paper, or chisels in stone, and clay for sculpture. So different tools create new mediums for shaping a form. This is also his research focus at Polis.
Flavjo is also in the process of completing a Professional Master’s specialization in Digital Architecture at Polis University. He also assists in the implementation of digital design training LLL courses.
- Making the best use of artificial intelligence tools for Architects and Designers .Should we include these tools in our process with the risk that they will affect our creativity and the unique ways that everyone thinks and creates or should we oppose it by claiming that our creations are better?
- Theoretical exercise which aims to use different architects’ instruments and philosophies in order to arrive at new projects that carry the DNA of the base project
ARCHITETCT: Giuseppe Terragani
Project:Villa Bianca ,Seveso - A script inspired by parametric urbanism, developed in Grasshopper without using any plug-ins. Similar to Decoding Space 2 Imputs are important for activating the script ,boundaries and pathways , while the rest involves manipulating parameters such as parcel density, building heights, etc.(Ongoing work for the Digital Architecture Master’s program at Polis University.)