Artan Raca


Artan Raca

Scientific Research


Ark.ARTAN RACA – është diplomuar në vitin 1987 në Universitetin Politeknik të Tiranës si arkitekt. Ai është arkitekt i licencuar dhe anëtar i shoqatave profesionale të AAA dhe AUA. Ai ka përvojë të gjerë si arkitekt, dizajner i brendshëm dhe auditor energjetik. Që nga viti 2007 ai ligjëron dhe drejton një studio arkitekturore në Universitetin Polis. Ai flet disa gjuhë dhe ka marrë disa njohje ndërkombëtare ndërkombëtare. Ark.Raca ka botuar edhe disa artikuj dhe libra në fushën e arkitekturës.


Yunitysna, Anna and Shtepani, Ernest and Raça, Artan (2022) “VILLA MOISSI”-ITS INFLUENCE IN MODERNIST AND POSTMODERNIST ARCHITECTURE-A MEDITERRANIAN CIRCLE. Journal of Applied Sciences-SUT, 8 (15-16). pp. 17-22. ISSN 2671-3047

“The Stadium and a story of Florentines on the Albanian land”, critic to the demolition of Qemal Stafa Stadium, published in (27 April 2016)

“Le Corbusier – the Proteus of architecture” published in the daily MAPO (Gazeta Mapo, 27.10.2015)

“Demolition as a symbol to a better future”, an article dedicated to “The Pyramid”. Published on the daily MAPO and also on the Scientific Periodical of Architecture and Urban Planning, FORUM A+P Nr.8 (December 2010)

“Restoring the Modern”, study. Published on the daily MAPO and also on the Scientific Periodical of Architecture and Urban Planning, FORUM A+P Nr.1. (January 2009)

“Eyes that do not see”, an article to the architecture problems in general and especially of Tirana. Published on the daily “Shekulli” (December 2000).

Translation and preparation for publishing, the book “Toward an architecture”, from Le Corbusier, PHOENIX Editions. (2000).


2019 “ATTICO Palace”, is nominated for the European Union Prize for contemporary architecture “Mies van der Rohe Award” 2019, Barcelona.

2014 Artan Raca is Winner of “Albanian Architecture Award“ 2014, by Albanian Union of Architects and Urban planners.

2013 “Yellow Palace”, is nominated for the European Union Prize for contemporary architecture “Mies van der Rohe Award” 2013, Barcelona.

2011 “Titanic” Palace, Golem, Albania, “Best design- International Fair of Construction” 2011, Tirana, Investor N.C.E sh.p.k Albania


2016 studio raça arkitektura was selected on the “IN practice” book of best European architecture firms, Published on Venice Biennial of Architecture, 2016.

2012 Cited in, Bulleri. A. TIRANA. Suspended contemporaneity, QUODLIBET, STUDIO Citta e Paesaggio p. 118, p. 180-183, 2012, Italy

2011 Cited in, Bulleri.A, Tirana. The coloured Capital, Paessaggio urbano – Urban Design, p. 57, 6/2011, Italy

2011 Cited in, AREA, condominium, N0. 118. September/October. Contemporary itinerary: Tirana, three project cited: “The Transatlantic”, “Yellow Palace”, and “The White Stone

2008 “Yellow Palace”, built in street “Hoxha Tasim” in Tirana has been selected for the Cover of the professional website Europaconcorsi,, today DIVISARE