2025-02-10 9:59FPMMU
The faculty is the main unit that coordinates teaching, scientific and cultural research in teaching-research, related or interrelated fields. The programs in question are offered by a main unit which are fully compatible in terms of academic and research field with Urban Planning and Management, Environment and Sustainability programs.
The department as a basic unit is responsible for establishing and designing study programs, which are in line with the purpose, objectives and mission of the institution. For the design of the study programs, it is based on the institution’s medium and long-term strategies, on national and international experiences, on ongoing collaborations with partner educational institutions, on the needs of the labor market and on the principles of national values. On these principles, the Integrated Master of Science Studies Program in “Urban Planning and Management” is offered under the management of the basic unit of the Department of Urban Planning and Management, in full accordance with the academic research field of this unit.
Within the Organization of this faculty, it is important to identify three major schools of thought, the School of Planning and Urban Issues, the School of Environment and Sustainability and the School of Business and Management.
- Urban Planning and Management Department
Integrated Master’s Program in Urban Planning and Management
Master in Spatial Planning and Geographical Information Systems
Business School Sub-Unit
: Bold, lb Bachelor Program in Business Administration
Master of Science in Business Administration
- Department of Environment
Bachelor in Environmental Studies
Urban Environmental Management
- Sustainability Research Centerbold
Research Units and LaboratoriesResearch Units and Laboratories ,
Integrated Master of Science Studies Program in “Urban Planning and Management” is offered under the main responsibility of the Faculty of Planning, Environment and Urban Management (FPMMU), but lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD), as well as the Faculty of Research and Development (FKZh) and as well as lecturers from universities are engaged in the academic offer foreign partners, mainly from IHS / Erasmus, TU Wien, University of Ferrara, etc.
The staff of this faculty under the heads of the department engage in joint research work with students within the framework of publications, magazines, brochures, support and encourage teaching practice and assist in the laboratory work of students in their areas of expertise. The laboratories of U_Polis are under the commitment of the auxiliary personnel who take care of the well-being of the laboratory spaces. Polis University has set up 7 laboratories, of which the CAD Laboratory, the GIS Laboratory, the Environmental Laboratory and the Mediterranean Basin Observatory are managed by the FPMMU faculty. Planning in Polis has the assistance of a number of laboratories, including the “IF Innovation factory”, the Energy Laboratory, and 4 specialized computer laboratories (Mac, GIS, CAD, etc.). The program has an agreement with the Altea Geotechnical Laboratory, and students have access to entrepreneurship through the incubator “Tirana Inc.” where Polis and 4 other public-private universities assist final year students and alumni to become self-employed.