Xhume Kumanova
2023-04-03 20:49Xhume Kumanova
OMB/UNECE – Sustainability Research Center
Dr. Xhume Kumanova – Studied at the university level for ‘Chemical Engineering’, and received after the Doctoral scientific degree. She is one of the most experienced expert for laboratory analysis in the country for water, soil and air, and especially in the field of “Analytical Chemistry” as well as in the use of specialized instruments related to it. After a rich experience in the public research institutions in the field, she has been working for several years at Polis University, where she contributes especially to the establishment, licensing, certification and consolidation of the LMUP environmental laboratory, near the “IF Innovation Factory” unit. Through laboratory analyses, she also assists research and teaching process on the subjects and branches related to this field. She also contributes to the performance of certified laboratory analyzes for water as a consulting service of the U-POLIS laboratory (third mission of university). Her work has been documented in many articles and public reports.