Veledin Cako

Prof. As.


Architecture and Civil Engineering


I completed my higher studies in the physics department at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Tirana, I graduated with a Master of Science in Physics majoring in Biophysics at F.SH.N – UT and I defended the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in Physics at F.SH.N – UT. I also won the academic title of Associate Professor at F.SH.N – UT. I was a lecturer at the “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlora for a period of 15 years. I participated and led several groups for the design of different study programs.


Chako. V., Zhuri. E., the father. F., Karaja.Th. “Water turbidity as one of the trophic state indices in

Narta lagoon”, International Conference on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: increasing knowledge for a sustainable conservation and integrated management, Tirana, Albania, April 25 – 28, 2012. Book of abstracts. Pg. 78.

Chako. V., Zhuri. E., the father. F., Karaja. Th. “Characterization of turbidity of some water ecosystems in southwestern Albania (Vlora region)”. BALWOIS 2012 – Ohrid, Republic of

Macedonia, 28 May – 2 June 2012.

Chako. V., the father. F., Shena. M. (2011). “Evaluation of the trophic state in Narta Lagoon”. International Conference on Karstic Water Bodies in Albania, Elbasan, Albania 9-11 June 2011. Book of Abstracts. Pg. 124 – 125. ISBN 978-99956-16-60-1

Chako. V., the father. F., Short. B., Shena. M. “Comparative assessment of trophic status between

some water systems in the region of Vlora” Conference of the Section of Environmental Sciences. The sixth annual international meeting IASH 2011, Pristina, September 1 – 4, 2011. Abstract. Pg. 339.

Chako. V., Shena M. “Application of the spectroscopic methods in monitoring aquatic ecosystems” at the 1st International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics, ICHQP2010, held in Vlora on 28-30 November 2010.

Chako. V., Zhuri. E., the father. F., Shena. M. “Characterization of Turbidity of waters of Butrinti lake and Saranda coast” International Interdisciplinary Conference. ISSN 2310-6719, “Ismail Qemali” University, Vlore – Albania November 26-27, 2012. Pg. 238-243.

Cut it short. B., Chako. V., Shena. M. “Determination of sulfur hydrocarbon compounds in

the aromatic fraction of oils and organic matter of sedimentary rocks” International

Interdisciplinary Conference. ISSN 2310-6719, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlore – Albania 26-27

November 2012. Pg. 223-232

Zhuri. E., Chako. V., the father. F., Karaja. Th. “Fluorescence imaging of photosynthetic activity in

stressed-pollution plants via chlorophyll fluorescence”. International Conference. “Towards Future Sustainable Development”. ISBN: 978-9928-4011-9-9. “Luigj Gurakuqi” University

Shkodër, November 2012. Pg. 581-587.

Chako. V., Baci. S., Zhuri. E., Shena.M. “Evaluation of trophic state of Narta lagoon and Butrinti

loop”. 2nd International Conference Research and Education in Natural Sciences ISBN 978-9928-4135-5-0. November 15-16, 2013 Shkoder – Albania. Volume 1 Pg; 398-404.

Baci. S., Chako. V., Shena. M. “Water transparency as one of trophic state indicators in Vlora bay” 2nd International Conference Research and Education in Natural Sciences ISBN 978-9928-4135-5-0. November 15-16, 2013 Shkoder – Albania. Volume 1 Pg; 390-397.

Chako. V., Baçi. S., Shena. M. “Evaluation of trophic state in Saranda Bay”. Summaries of scientific works, 8th annual international meeting of the Alb-Science Institute. Tirana, August 29-31, 2013. Pg. 265.

Chako. V., Duke. A., Short. B., Shena. M. “Trend for Water Transparency in Vlora Bay”. 4th

International Conference of ecosystems “Essays on Ecosystem and Environmental Research”,

ISBN 978-9928-4068-9-7, May 23-26, 2014, Tirana – Albania. Pg. 104-105.


Çako. V., Babani.F. “Evaluation of the trophic state in Vilun lagoon”. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology. ISSS: 2156-8456, Vol.2, No. 4, DOI: 10.4236/abb.2011.24045   Available online at Pg. 311- 314,

Çako. V., Baci. S., Shena. M. “Water Turbidity as One as of the Trophic State Indices in Butrinti Lake” Journal of Water Resource and Protection. ISSN (E):1945-3108, Volume 5, Number 12, DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2013.512120    Pg.1144-1148.

 Çako. V., Babani. F. “Monitorimi i ekosistemeve ujorë bazuar në vlerat e pigmenteve fotosintetike”. Buletin i Shkencave Natyrore (Nr.12; 2011), ISSN: 2224-1779, Pg. 75- 82.

Zhuri. E., Çako. V., Babani. F., Karaja. Th.; “The Influence of Stress Analyzed By The Emitted Fluorescence Changes”. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering., ISSN (E): 2250-3021. Volume 4, Issue 4- Versioni 6 (April 2014), Pg. 38- 43,

Zhuri. E., Çako. V., Babani. F., Karaja. Th. “Activity Imaging Photosynthetic Of Populus X Canadensis Moench Plants In Air Pollution”. International Journal of Engineering Inventions. (E): 2278-7461. (Vol.03, 08) March 2014. Pg. 35- 40,

Çako. V., Zhuri. E., Babani. F., Karaja.Th. “Water Transparency As One As Of Trophic State Indices In Narta Lagoon”. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering. ISSN (E): 2250-3021, Volume 4, Issue 4- Versioni 7 (April 2014), Pg. 15- 22,

  Çako. V., Zhuri. E, Babani. F., Karaja. Th.; “Trend of Trophic State in Narta Lagoon”. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES). 2224-4980, Volume 4/2, May 2014, Pg. 207- 212,

  Çako. V., Zhuri. E, Babani. F., Karaja. Th.; “Evaluation Of Trophic Status In Narta Lagoon Based on Biological Indicators”. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences” (IMPACT: IJRANSS). ISSN (E): 22321-8851, Vol. 2, Issue 5,

Teaching Texts

“Practicum of General Physics”. Shena. M., Chako. V.