Gregor Andoni
2023-03-28 20:33Gregor Andoni
Industrial Designer/ Product Design
Art & Dizajn

Greg Andoni studied and graduated from the University of Design in Florence, Italy, in Industrial Design with a specialization in product design at Design Campus UNIFI. Most of his papers and theses focused on automotive design, focusing on new proposals for the FCA group regarding new applicable strategies and the history of Italian car design.
Apart from his main focus on automotive design, Andoni has worked in various fields of product design, automotive, interior design, landscape projects, etc. Nowadays, he shares his work experiences between Italy and Albania.
Some of his most popular projects include Panzani Tuning & Design in Florence, Calenzano Municipality in Florence, ISSH Albania (State Institute of Social Security) and MontAl (Montenegro – Albania, Osum Canyons, Torus National Road, campaigns for re-evaluation of the new concept between Montenegro and Albania).
Focusing mainly on research projects and policy impact of Design and Architecture, Andoni also conducts and supervises independent projects between Italy and Albania.
Skills: Cinema 4D, Autocad 2D, 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keyshot, 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, AR & VR Experience, Autodesk Fusion 360.
Ideas and Proposals for the Commercial Vehicle Sector Based on Technological Trends / Forum A+P 22
Andoni.G, Interpretation in Design of the Italian Automotive Heritage. Adaptation with Technological and Stylistic Trends. ( Tirane 2021)
Architecture on the Move / Forum A+P 23
Post Pandemic Product Design “Tirana design Week “ 2021
Andoni.G, Virtual Gaming
Andoni.G Inclusive Design “Tirana design Week “
Andoni. G, Automotive Design,gre Coach Build Design for “Pribus Company”