Faculty of Architecture, Design and Engineering
2025-02-19 19:11Faculty of Architecture, Design and Engineering
Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD)
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Peter Drucker
Dean’s Welcome
The Faculty of “Architecture, Art Dizan and Construction” (FAD) is an inter-disciplinary faculty that develops professionals ready for the local and global markets, melting knowledge stemming from the fields: ART-DESIGN, Architecture-urban, as well as Construction engineering (structure and geotechnical). Art, architecture and construction constitute a thousand -year -old ecosystem, which is explored and applied to FAD with the most advanced pedagogical and scientific methods, such as parametericalism and apprings of contemporary and experimental technologies.
The main units of the FAD are: i) the Department of Art-Design; ii) Department of Architecture and Construction Engineering; iii) Research unit of engineering and design architecture (in the inter-dependence of IF Innovation Factory). The faculty has 3 basic units, 3 profiled schools, and 7 academic programs/profiles (Bachelor, Professional, Scientific and Integrated Master). The faculty has several laboratories, “Ad-Hock” consulting units, the Research Center; as well as the possibility of profiling through LLL (Long Life Learning) training, and PhD studies.
FAD, as part of Polis University, is meanwhile a member of the elite of the European schools of architecture and design (AEEA/EAAE, EAHN, ECAADE), and Construction Engineering (EUCEET). The study programs of this faculty have shown high sustainability in time, passing important stages of international accreditation and membership, as well as preceding the labor market dynamics. POLIS reputation in the country in these areas is maximum.
Fad boasts strong links to practice, matching the development of skills with market needs. Our teaching is characterized by a close engagement with students, as well as the constant innovation of pedagogical programs and methods. Our students develop a local, European and global mindset by participating in numerous cultures through exchange programs, engaging in teamwork and in contact with local and foreign staff. This faculty has a strong mission in society, providing services and consulting to local communities and authorities. He has an excellent interaction and symbiosis with the design studio Metro_polis, Ltd, affected by the University of Polis.
Our professors come from prestigious institutions such as La Sapienza University, Ferrara University, and many other experiences in Italy, Polytechnic University of Tirana; Harvard, Yale and MIT Schools of Architecture in the USA, etc. Also, they have long experience with public and non-public institutions, and in local and global companies.
Welcome to FAD!
School of Architecture:
- Prof. Antonino Di Raimo, U-Portsmouth, UK
- Prof. Loris Rossi, U-Mancester, UK
- Dr. Laura Pedata, U-Oxford, UK
- Prof. Marshan Ceka, IIT Izmir, Turkey
- Prof. Antonino Saggio, Sapienza Italy
- Prof. Dimitris Philippides, NTUA Greece
- Prof. Alex Wall, TU Karlsruhe, Germany
- Prof. Roberto Di Giulio, UNIFE Italy
- Prof. Theo Zaffagnini, UNIFE Italy
- Prof. Antonello Stella, UNIFE Itali
- Prof. Stephan Pinkau, U-Anhalt / Bauhaus, Germany
- Prof. Judy Green, Technion, Israel
- Prof. Raimund Fein, U-Cottbus, Germany
- Prof. Jim Stevens, U-Clemson, USA
- Dr. James Kostaras, IIUD USA / Ireland
- Dr. Martin Spuhler, Partner Architeken, Zurich
- Dr. KJengo Kuma, U-Tokio, Japan
- Dr. Dustin Tusnovitc, TU-Graz, Austria
- Dr. Markus Tomaselli, TU-Vienna, Austria
- Dr. Ivan Kucina, U-Belgrade, Serbia
- Dr. Ermal Shpuza, Giorgia-Tech, USA
- Ana Dzokitc / Marc Neelen – Stealth. Unlimited.
- Selanik Dimistris Gourdakis
School of Design:
- Prof. Giuseppe Mincolelli, U-Ferrara, Italy
- Prof. Lorenzo Imbesi, Sapienza, Italy
- Domenique Taffi, Industrial-product designer, Switzerland
- Simone Micheli, Interior designer, Italy
- Andreas Carson, Light designer, Italy
- Gaetano Castelli, RAI stage designer, Italy
- Juata Bezenberg, Photograper, Germany
- Simina Turku, Fashion, Romania
School of Civil Engineering:
- Prof. Andrew Charleson, Wellington School of Architecture , New Zealand
- Prof. Donato Abruzzese, Tor Vergata University, Italy
- Prof. Achintya Haldar, Civil Engineering Building, Tucson Arizona, USA
- Prof. Eurico Seabra , Minho University, Portugal
- Prof. Svetlana Brzev, British Columbia ,Canada
- Prof. Ryo Matsumaru, Tokyo Japan