Eneida Muhamuci
2024-11-08 9:18Eneida Muhamuci
Planning and Management

Ph.D c. Eneida Muhamuçi, International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning (Polis/Ferrara) program, graduated in Urban Planning and Development as well as Housing and Land Development from Polis University and IHS/Erasmus University. With work experience in the drafting of General Local Plans for the territory of Municipalities in Albania, she is a lecturer and scientific researcher at Polis University.
Her research topic focuses on the relationship of Housing and Urban Form in Tirana. From 2022 she collaborates in the Urban Planning Studio course. Leads the Earth Sciences course in Urban Planning and Management and the Regional Planning course in the Master of Science in Urban Environmental Management, etc.
She is also a co-author in a series of publications on territorial development strategies at the Municipality level, in Albania.
MUHAMUCI E. (2024) Affordable Housing in Albania: Challenges and Effective Strategies. DOI:10.37199/c41000101
CO AUTHOR. (2016) Strategjia e Zhvillimit Për Territorin e Bashkisë Berat. Shtëpia Botuese PEGI. ISBN:978-9928-200-55-6
CO AUTHOR. (2016) Strategjia e Zhvillimit Për Territorin e Bashkisë Kuçovë. Shtëpia Botuese PEGI. ISBN:978-9928-200-53-2
CO AUTHOR. (2016) Strategjia e Zhvillimit Për Territorin e Bashkisë Lushnje. Shtëpia Botuese PEGI. ISBN:978-9928-200-56-3
CO AUTHOR. (2016) Strategjia e Zhvillimit Për Territorin e Bashkisë Fier. Shtëpia Botuese PEGI. ISBN:978-9928-200-51-8
CO AUTHOR. (2016) Strategjia e Zhvillimit Për Territorin e Bashkisë Elbasan. Shtëpia Botuese PEGI. ISBN:978-9928-200-54-9