ZMSKK & Events
2024-12-13 9:09ZMSKK & Events

Student Support and Career Counseling Office (ZMSKK) is a unit that assists and follows students, both during their studies and after their completion, creating a database with data on the career, success and difficulties of students during their adaptation to the market, their achievements, lobbying for the protection of the rights of the profession, through the association AUA (Union of Architects, Urbanists and Urban Planners), maintaining the connection with POLIS through the ALUMNI Association, encouraging the spirit of cooperation as a community, support and philanthropy. The purpose of ZMSKK as a structure in itself is oriented towards maintaining continuous contact as well as providing multi-directional information. The information includes information on studies, various programs, career guidance or vocational guidance as well as individual or group counseling.
This office works closely with the leaders of the Student Association and the Alumni Association.
The main activities and tasks of the Office of Student Support and Career Counseling are:
- Informing students and ensuring full transparency on academic, educational and scientific issues and aspects, as well as their rights and duties;
- Orientation of students in education and during education for the choice of specific training fields and training opportunities offered by the university;
- Orientation and acquaintance of students with the labor market in general and the special opportunities of the moment for employment by mediating this process;
- To maintain individual contact with students even after graduation and their employment, continuously receiving their feedback;
- Të kryejë studime të përditësuara të tregut të punës dhe identifikimin e kërkesave të tij dhe ti vërë ato në dispozicion të studentëve.
- Regulates and ensures the involvement of students in decision-making, in the processes and main activities related to teaching and other research and development activities as well as the services offered to them.
The Student Support and Career Counseling Office of POLIS University is already part of two projects:
- The “GRADUA” project, together with other Albanian and foreign partners to enable access to the professional network of the online platform and contributing to the employment of students.
Project reference:
Erasmus + CBHE Program:
Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania/ GRADUA
585961- EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2017-2021)
What is GRADUA?
Gradua is an online platform, funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + initiative, which aims to support Albanian universities and students by creating an interactive data system and a model that matches the demand with the offer of graduate employment. The platform aims to bring together demand and supply in the employment market, offering graduates the opportunity to:
- Free use of the platform by creating a Professional Curriculum Vitae (which students can enrich over time and have it visible for hiring companies and institutions
• Easy access to information on job opportunities / professional practices, courses or trainings from different companies and businesses
• Direct application for jobs for members of the network
• Easy creation of Curriculum Vitae which can be easily downloaded and used in different mediums.
POLIS University is a partner in this project, engaging in a process where graduate students have the opportunity to face numerous opportunities, not only in the professional university network but also more widely in the national market.
Students, especially those in their final year of studies, are encouraged to register to take advantage of the employment opportunities the network offers.
The User Manual for Registration on the Platform can be found
- The “IDEA” project, directed by POLIS University, which aims to address one of the main challenges that Europe and the Balkan region in particular, will face by the end of the 2020s and support the European policy agenda for equality and inclusion social in HEIs.
Project reference:
Inclusive Tertiary Education in West Balkans/ IDEA;
618859-EPP-1-2020-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2021-2024)
Calendar of Events 2022-2023