Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer

Indicators of Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI):

  • TTI 0-i1: TTI is included in the mission of AEIs;

  • TTI 0-i2: TTI is included in the policies and/or strategies of AEIs;

  • TTI 0-i3: Existence of an institutional action plan for TTI in AEIs;

  • TTI 1-i1: Number of licenses/assistance (active, executed under contract, (non-)exclusive) for
    startups and existing companies in the market;

  • TTI 1-i2: Total budget and revenue from the commercialization of knowledge/expertise and
    licenses through contracting/financing/grants for the AEI;

  • TTI 2-i1: Number of startup and spinoff enterprises created with AEI support;

  • TTI 3-i1: Number of joint creative projects and social innovation projects involving AEI employees
    and the AEI itself;

  • TTI 4-i2: Number of agreements, contracts, and cooperative projects sponsored by Research &
    Development with non-academic partners (governmental, private, NGOs, donors, or those for the
    AEI’s mission/social responsibility, etc.);

  • TTI 4-i3: Percentage of AEI’s budget coming from revenue of contracts sponsored by Research &
    Development and cooperative projects with non-academic partners;

  • TTI 4-i4: Number of consultancy contracts;

  • TTI 4-i5: Percentage of 8th level students of the Albanian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and
    Lifelong Learning (LLL) and Post-Doc researchers (compared to the total number of students in
    AEI at each level) directly (co-)financed by AEI or co-financed by public and private businesses,
    NGOs, donors, etc.;

  • TTI 5-i1: Number of laboratories and buildings invested in (by AEI itself and/or co-financed) or

  • TTI 6-i2: Number of companies participating in continuous education (CE) courses for
    professional development;

  • TTI 6-i3: Number of AEI employees in temporary positions outside academia;

  • TTI 6-i4: Number of non-academic employees in permanent positions (with a focus on research,
    innovation, and R&D administration) at AEIs;

  • TTI 6-i5: Number of 8th level AQF theses or jointly supervised projects in the field but non-

  • TTI 6-i7: Number of joint publications with non-academic field authors;

  • TTI 6-i8: Number of academic staff members participating in bodies, networks, organizations,
    associations, and professional boards;

  • TTI 6-i9: Number of organizations/individuals outside AEIs participating in
    advisory/directive/validation/review boards of AEIs, institutes, centers, and educational

  • TTI 6-i10: Number of prestigious research, development, innovation, and IP awards given by
    business associations, the public sector, international (inter)national funding agencies.