Social and Societal Transfer
2024-03-30 15:40Social and Societal Transfer

Indicators of Continuous Education & Social Transformation (CE - Continuous Education):
CE 0-i1: CE is included in the mission of AEIs.
CE 0-i2: CE is included in the policies and/or strategies of AEIs.
CE 0-i3: Existence of an institutional plan for CE in AEIs.
CE 0-i4: Existence of quality assurance procedures for CE activities.
CE 1-i1: Total number of active CE programs.
CE 1-i2: Number of CE programs offered that have value in the higher education system and in the
market (licensing).CE 1-i3: Number of partnerships in CE Programs with public and private businesses offered.
CE 1-i4: Percentage of international CE programs offered.
CE 1-i5: Percentage of projects funded by the market/state in CE training offered.
CE 1-i6: Total number of ECTS credits of CE programs offered.
CE 4-i1: Number of registered/confirmed ECTS (micro-credentials) of CE (at the Ministry of
Education and the line, for LLL training or for licensing preparation effect, knowledge update).CE 4-i2: Number of registrations of beneficiaries in CE programs.
CE 4-i4: Percentage of ECTS for registered CE, referring to the total ECTS registered/licensed in
total for AEIs, and at all levels of programs.CE 6-i1: Percentage of certified qualifications/beneficiaries referring to the total CE registrations.
CE 7-i1: Level of student satisfaction with knowledge/ECTS/qualification obtained through the
questionnaire.CE 7-i2: Level of satisfaction of key interested parties (the authority issuing licenses, or the state
exam authority for licensing declares what percentage of total licensed have completed CE at the
respective AEI, or the contracting company assesses, etc.).CE 7-i3: Average completion and graduation rate for all CE programs.