Participation & Criteria

Participation & Criteria

Benefits of participating in the Project "Third Mission"

The Third Mission is intended to be a shared agenda of all organizational units and as many university members as possible. Thus, it becomes an element of Polis University public profile. Active participation may include a variety of different aims and priorities, depending on the focus of the organizational units or individuals, such as:

  • extended networking with societal actors and third-party funders;
  • extended cooperation with public and private enterprises;
  • establishment of new and transdisciplinary research projects in direct response to economic and social needs;
  • integration of socially-relevant topics in research and teaching (service learning);
  • better preparing students for taking over responsible tasks in politics, society and economy;
  • extending the professional skill profile of the workforce;
  • increasing the society’s appreciation of science and research at Polis University.

Criteria for Third Mission activities

Third Mission activities at Polis University:

  1. are based on one’s own research,
  2. are relevant to society and/or the economy, in the targeted territory
  3. promote networking (primarily with societal and/or economic actors; but also between activities; and also internationally),
  4. and should be future-oriented and geared towards (or at least consider) sustainability.