Open Lecture – “THE RIGHT DISTANCE – Between Past and Present in architecture”, by Prof. Antonello Stella

Open Lecture_A.Stella_27.03.2025

Open Lecture – “THE RIGHT DISTANCE – Between Past and Present in architecture”, by Prof. Antonello Stella

On Thursday, 27 March, at 11:00-12:00, Ju ftojmë të ndiqni një leksion të hapur me titull: “THE RIGHT DISTANCE – Between Past and Present in architecture”, nga Prof.Antonello Stella, faculty of the Executive Master Program, and faculty of University of Ferrara.

This lecture is part of the Open Lecture series promoting the Executive Master in Restoration, Concervation and Evaluation of Cultural Heritag, dual program between POLIS University and University of Ferrara.

Theme: “THE RIGHT DISTANCE – Between Past and Present in architecture”
Lecturer: Prof. Antonello Stella
Date: 27 March 2025, at 11:00-12:00
Place: Aula A5, POLIS University


11:00- 11:10 – Opening of the activity and a short introduction of the course: “Architectonic and Urban Projection Studio in Restoration” led by Prof. Stella
11:10 -11:50 – Lecture of Prof. Antonello Stella, University of Ferrara
11:50 -12:00 – Dedicated session for questions and comments
12:00 –            Closure of the activity