Request for Offer
2023-05-11 15:47Request for Offer
SUBJECT: INVITATION TO TENDER FOR Purchase of “Laboratory Equipment, installation and activation”, in the framework of Erasmus CBHE Project: Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector / SmartWB
This is an invitation to tender for the above-mentioned supply contract. Please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:
A. Instructions to invitations
B. Draft contract and special conditions, including annexes
- Draft contact
- Special conditions
- Annex i: general conditions
- Annex ii + iii: technical specifications + technical offer (to be tailored to the specific project)
- Annex iv: budget breakdown (model financial offer)
- Annex v: forms
C. Further information - List of entities invited to submit a tender
- Administrative compliance grid
- Evaluation grid
D. Invitation form for a supply contract
For full information about procurement procedures, please consult the Practical Guide and its annexes, which can be downloaded from the following web page:
Also, all the document for this invitation procedure can be founded at:
Please, for eventual notifications and changes on this procedure, consult constantly the weblink:
We look forward to receiving your invitation and the accompanying invitation guarantee before the submission deadline at the address specified in the documents.